FR AUB POW 74 “Chargette VITÉNET”

CODE FR AUB POW 74 “Chargette VITÉNET” Categories: , Product ID: 3566


Item number                           :           FR AUB POW 74 “Chargette VITÉNET”

Origin                                     :           France

Style                                       :           Powder dispenser

Maker                                     :           E. AUBÉ & A. ROLLAND, 39 Rue de Chateaudun, Paris

Markings                                :           “MARQUE A.R. DEPONEE

CAL 12-16-20



On plate on body

Biggest length                        :           215 mm

Weight                                   :           890 grams

Press lever                               :           N.a.

Bottom plate                          :           N.a.

Paint                                       :           Contains almost all of its original green en red paint paint

Condition                               :           Good

Repairs                                   :           None

Remarks                                 :


This tool has been manufactured by “A.R.”

ARC was established in the 7 Rue Charles-Renouvier in Paris

A.R. was established  in the 39 Rue de Chateaudun in Paris


Attached is a picture with description from a A.R. Catalogue

Additional information


UK Dixon BC A50